Pullerbear Tree Puller Home Page

Monday, February 17, 2025 - Family Day in British Columbia

Hello folks, we are still in the dark regarding Trump's intention to levy a 25% Trump Tax on all Canadian products, from our oil, uranium, aluminum, steel, lumber, aggregate, cement, Pullerbears, and numerous other things.  Until we find out more we will remain status quo.  What we have to do is watch to see if Trump exempts packages under $800.  It's referred to as the De Minimus Rule - a threshold that states that items below $800 are exempt from Trump's Tax.  Of course, all of our Pullerbears fall under the existing De Minimus Rule.  It is our understanding, that the Trump Tax, if put in place, will be collected at the receiving end of the transcation.  It's possible, that any Pullerbears in transit will not be subject to the Trump Tax, but there is no guarantee. It's like this... If you go to the zoo, and the monkey has shit in his hand, there's no guarnatee that he's not going to start flinging it around.  If you're cheering for the monkey, this probably isn't the place you want to be, and we don't want you here anyway.  Canada is under attack, and we have zero fucks to give if facts hurt your MAGA feelings, BTW We're WOKE AF and feminists, because we believe women should be respected and treated equally.  Our Worst Person in the World experience below showcases a MAGA in all of his glory... Scroll down.  Sometimes, you need to see how the Pullerbear sausage is made.  If you're not MAGA, and you're offended... in true Canadian fashion... sorry.

Pullerbear Tree Puller Weld Your Name On That Thing.

In the mean time... we're pretty sure that we are the only company, on this spinning marble, that will actually weld your name on the product that you are buying.  Absolutely Free.  We ask that you try to keep the number of characters to around 15 to 20.  We can not be offended on either end of the offensive scale.  From biblical passages to profanity, we respect your right to free speech, bodily autonomy, birthright citizenship, even the 2nd A, that gives you the right to walk around in sleaveless shirts.  Go to our PURCHASE page to see some of the vile, funny, biblical, play on words, double entendre, sexual inuendo, sarcastic crap that other people have had us weld on to their Pullerbears. One last thing... WE ARE THE ONLY SOURCE FOR PULLERBEARS.  We take raw materials and build them in Canada.  We are not on Amazon, Temu or any other reseller sites claiming to sell Pullerbears.  We've had several people contact us asking where their $79.95 Pullerbear is.  There's a nomadic-like SCAM website that claims to sell our $169.99 Pullerbear Pro XL321 for just $79.95 with "Free Shipping".  It's a SCAM!!! If you've fallen victim to them, call your credit card company ASAP, and report the fraud.  Click the following image to view the scammer's on going grift.

Pullerbear Imposter Scam

We 100% guarantee that we have the lowest prices for Pullerbears, because we are the ONLY source.  If you don't trust the internet with your info... call toll free 1-877-943-3607, and you will talk to an actual, terrific, human being named Brandi, who will take your order any day, any time (within reason).  If you get her voicemail, she'll call you right back or when she parks or wakes up.

"Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.  But let this not blind you to what virtue there is: many persons strive for higher ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism."  Max Ehrmann - Desiderata


The Pullerbear Claw.

"The best lil' hoe you've ever laid your hands on."

Pullerbear Claw.  Newest Pullerbear Family Member

The Pullerbear Claw

is the latest addition to our tree and weed puller family.

  Somewhere between a manual dandelion puller and a hoe.

  Ideal for selective weeding around your established plants and flowers.

  The narrow head with an aggressive row of sharp teeth enables you to get in

between plants and carefully pluck the unwanted weeds

that choke out and steal water from desirable plants and flowers.

FREE SHIPPING When Purchased with any other Pullerbear

Receive a FREE pair of non-slip gloves with each Claw purchase.

While Supplies Last.


  U.S. Pullerbear CLAW - $29.99 - $15 S/H  
Weld Your Name Here (15 characters max)
  Canadian Pullerbear CLAW - $39.99 - $20 S/H   
Weld Your Name Here (15 characters max)



Pullerbear Invasive Scotch Broom Puller

To get down to business,

click the image to the right,

and you will be delivered to

our Purchase page, with all

of the prices and specifications. 

If you want to see what we

have to put up with on occasion.

See below.

Pullerbear Invasive Tree And Weed Pullers


Wayne Bryan of Forsyth, Missouri - May 18, 2024.  Wayne Bryan purchased a Pullerbear Pro XL321 on February 26, 2024.  After receiving his Pullerbear, and before using it, he filed a fraudulent claim, with his credit card company, and reported the Pullerbear as DEFECTIVE.  Neither the credit card company, nor Wayne Bryan informed us of the charge back, and ruled in favour of Wayne Bryan.  We emailed Wayne Bryan and asked what was up?  He said that we wouldn't return his dozens of calls and emails. There weren't any emails, and I talked to him on the phone, April 4th, and explained the jaw capacities and over time the jaw opening would get larger through wear and tear ie; sharpening. His fake grievance was that the jaw wouldn't open up to the maximum 3", it was only 2.875".  We told him that once he used it, he would find that it would fit around a 3 inch tree.  He didn't want to hear that, he said if we say on our site that it can pull 3" stems, the jaw needs to be a full 3".  I explained that that was not the case and that he should go try it.  Prior to this conversation, Wayne Bryan had already filed the charge back with his credit card company and had failed to mention that during our conversation. I mentioned this to him and he said that he wanted a refund to teach us a lesson.  He says he has no intention of returning the Pullerbear unless we pay a ransom for it, and besides, he's still using it. Wayne Bryan admitted he has been using his "free" Pullerbear, and has already pulled out over 100 trees, and it works as advertised.

He went on to insult both my wife and me, and my daughter, as we we had just picked her up from the airport.  This exchange went on for the entire 50 minute trip.  He implied that my wife was my cousin, or sister, and that my daughter was too stupid to go to a Canadian University.  I had mentioned that my oldest daughter had gone to University in St. Charles, MO, but he got confused, the daughter in the vehicle had just returned from a Canadian university in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  He then went on about Prime Minister Trudeau being Fidel Castro's son, and that he was a MAGA, and we're all a bunch of commies in Canada, yada yada...    Other than this guy, we love our American cousins and customers.

For all of those waiting patiently for your Pullerbear, Wayne R. Bryan, is one reason, your wait is a little a tiny bit longer than it has to be.  This has only happened twice in over twenty years.  The first guy just ghosted us, there was no boasting of what he had pulled off.  Wayne Bryan on the other hand, he's a unique one.  We wouldn't normally air this dirty laundry, but when a type like a Wayne Bryan, threatens to knock your teeth out and calls you a cocksucker, in front of your wife and daughter, for calling out his scheme, I feel I have a duty to warn other online merchants not to sell (give) this guy anything.

Wayne Bryan invited this exposure, and said he doesn't give two shits if I post this, so... Wayne, the price is 3 shits, and you owe us 3 of those and the $209.99 USD that you got back from your credit card company. You the reader, as a curious person (you must be if you read this far), and if you're not easily offended, and want to hear Wayne's side of the story, drop him a line and he'll get back to you once he gets in from his tree pulling chores and/or hocking all of the free shit that he's aquired online. He refused to send us a real time picture of the Pullerbear, so we suspect he has sold it.  He's a real charmer... you've been warned!

To summarize, Wayne R. Bryan purchased a Pullerbear Pro XL321 for $169.99 USD plus $40 for shipping.  When he received the Pullerbear, he filed a charge back on his credit card, was reimbursed and he kept the Pullerbear and refuses to return it because he needs it to pull trees on his property in Forsyth, Missouri.

Wayne R. Bryan

Forsyth, Missouri, USA



Here's Wayne Bryan's first, and only email he ever sent us.  This is Wayne Bryan's mind on parade. (CONTENT WARNING)

Wayne Bryan - Worst Almost Customer In History



Pullerbear Featured in the February/March Edition of Fine GardeningThe Do It Yourself Network's I Hate My BackyardHome of the Pullerbear Tree and Weed Puller.The Pullerbear Tree Puller StoreCompare Pullerbear to the CompetitionPullerbear Making the News and Print.Pullerbear Customer Videos and How to Pullerbear VideosRandom Pictures of the Pullerbear in Action.Pullerbear Customer's Opinions.Pullerbear Contact Information and AddressIntroducing the Pullerbear Family and How Got HerePullerbear Instructional Videos and DemonstrationPullerbear TikTokPullerbear YouTube VideosPullerbear on Twitter or X or Whatever The Fuck It's CalledThe Pullerbear Instagram Pullerbear Facebook Page.