Compare Pullerbear to Extractigator, Weed Wrench, UpRooter and Roundup.Pullerbear Featured in the February/March Edition of Fine GardeningThe Do It Yourself Network's I Hate My BackyardHome of the Pullerbear Tree and Weed Puller.The Pullerbear Tree Puller StoreCompare Pullerbear to the CompetitionPullerbear Making the News and Print.Pullerbear Customer Videos and How to Pullerbear VideosRandom Pictures of the Pullerbear in Action.Pullerbear Customer's Opinions.Pullerbear Contact Information and AddressIntroducing the Pullerbear Family and How Got HerePullerbear Instructional Videos and DemonstrationPullerbear TikTokPullerbear YouTube VideosPullerbear on Twitter or X or Whatever The Fuck It's CalledThe Pullerbear Instagram Pullerbear Facebook Page.



Compare the Pullerbear, Weed Wrench (Uprooter), Extractigator, the original Weed Wrench and Roundup, then decide if the Pullerbear is right for you!  We know it is. but you can judge for yourself. One last point...the only one that you don't have to put down to finish the pull with your hands. 




 Pullerbear Tree Pullers Advantage Over All Other Manual Tree Pullers

Pullerbear Clear Advantages Over It's Competitors 

 Pullerbear Compared to Roundup and Similar Poisonous Weed Control.Methods

If you don't believe us, the following is an unsolicited endorsement...
Third Party Testimonial and Comparisons February 21, 2015...


We'd like to order some PullerBears for our Scot's Broom Free By 33¯ campaign on Whidbey Island:
2 - PullerBear Pro
7 - PullerBear Grip XL
These are for:
(Shipping Address)
Whidbey Environmental Action Network
7645 Bailey Rd.
Clinton, WA  98236
We previously got a PullerBear Grip XL, an Extractigator, and we already had a Weed Wrench. Our conclusions from comparative field testing:
Weed Wrench - We don't have one of the "new"¯ Weed Wrenches (Uprooter), so this based on our experience with a well used elderly 4¯. While totally indestructible, the tendency of the jaws to stick is annoying, though it can be easily dealt with in the field by frequent spraying with Pam. But the lack of the a rocker¯ extension on the base, such as Extractigator and PullerBear have, places Weed Wrenches at an obvious mechanical disadvantage.
Extractigator - The (comparative) light weight is nice. The automatically opening jaws (when lifted) are nice. The automatically opening jaws (when lifted) are annoying, since it requires a second step of hand pulling because of the lateral roots frequently present on, e.g., Scot's Broom or Holly.  This feature can be a plus or a minus depending on the situation. The high jaw height (above ground level) is a minus, since it makes dealing with previously mowed bushy Scot's Broom difficult. We"ll have a few of these in the stable.
PullerBear - The low jaw height (ground level) is very helpful when dealing with previously mowed Scot's Broom which has re-sprouted and is bushy at the base. And being able to have them permanently labeled is a huge plus, since these will be used at work parties and also made available through a renting/lending library system. Overall, the best for the $$. PullerBears wil be the main work horses in the stable.
Whidbey Environmental Action Network
Preservation     Education     Restoration




 Weed Wrench/Uprooter Base


Pullerbear Base


 Pullerbear Compared to Other Manual Tree Pullers


 Pullerbear - Eco-Friendly Vegetation Control.


Weed Wrench/Uprooter Handle


 Pullerbear Handle


 Pullerbear Compared to Other Manual Tree Pullers


 Pullerbear - Eco-Friendly Weed Control.






 PULLERBEAR Grip XL (Heavy Duty)


PRICE - $155.00 CAD


PRICE - $139.99 USD


 $27.00 - $50.00


$35 U.S. & Canada


Total $201.00 - $210.00 CAD


 Total $169.99 USD


 Stem Capacity (Diameter) - 2"


  Stem Capacity (Diameter) - 2.25"


Weight - 17.5 lbs 


 13.5 lbs 


 Shipping Date - Undetermined


 Shipping Date - 7 to 12 Business Days


Guarantee - Normal use


 Guarantee -30 Day Replacement - 60 Day Workmanship


 Rubber end


 Permanent Non-Slip Grip


 1" - 2" To Ground*


 -1" - 0" to Ground *


 Roots - Stems - Stakes


 Roots - Stems - Stakes- Spikes - Rebar - Nails


  Expanded Steel Mesh Teeth


Clog Free Teeth (1/2" Sharpenable Teeth) 


 Not Available




 Partial Perimeter Welds / Blob Welds


Complete Perimeter Welds (115" of welds per tool)


 Pins, Cotter Pins, Washers


 Welded Pins**


 Not Available


 Expandable Base***


 Payment Methods - Checks, Money Order or Cash. (No Credit Cards or PayPal)


 Payment Methods - PayPal, All Credit Cards, Check, Money Order, E-Check, Cash.


 Ships to 49 States (No CA.) None to Canada


 Shipping Everywhere - Worldwide



Extractigator Versus Pullerbear Grip XL


 Compare Extractigator to Pullerbear







  Pullerbear Grip


 $168.94 CAD




$149.99 CAD


 $35.00 CAD




$35.00 CAD


 $30.98 CAD




 Scrap Wood


 2" Capacity(Dia.)




 2.25" Capacity(Dia.)














 Powder Coat




 High Gloss Enamel


















Closed Bite



 Extractigator Expandable Base (Big Foot - $20 USD)


 Pullerbear Expandable Bases (Scrap Wood - Free)


Pullerbear Tree and Invasive Weed Puller


Pullerbear Expandable Bases.  Advantage over Extractigator and Uprooter


  Extractigator Handle


 Pullerbear Handle


 Extractigator Uncomfortable Handle


 Pullerbear Tree and Shrub Puller


Extractigator Welds


  Pullerbear Welds


 Extractigator Spot and Blob Welds


 Pullerbear Weed Puller's Excellent Welds


 Extractigator Jaw and Teeth


Pullerbear Jaw and Teeth


 Extractigator Incomplete Welds


 Pullerbear Tree and Invasive Weed Puller - Jaw and Teeth


Extractigator Side Pull


 Pullerbear Center Pull


 Extractigator Side Pull Disadvantage to The Pullerbear.


  Pullerbear Invasive Weed Extractor,Center Pull Advantage Over Extractigator.


 Extractigator Foam Grip


 Pullerbear Permanent Non-Slip Grip


 Extractigator Temporary Foam Grip Compared to Pullerbear Permanent Grip.


Pullerbear Tree Puller Permanent Non-Slip Grip


Extractigator Minimum Stem Height


 Pullerbear Minimum Stem Height


 Extractigator Minimum Stem Height Disadvantage versus Pullerbear Weed Pullers


 Pullerbear Minimum Stem Height Huge Adantage Over the Extractigator and Uprooter.


 Another Pullerbear Advantage...


Pullerbear - POP - PULL - DRAG - Demonstration


This video next frame is a demonstration of the Pullerbear Grip XL pulling 10 scotch broom plants in 60 seconds.  No kneeling or bending over.  It's just that easy with a Pullerbear.

Pull 'er bare with a Pullerbear



  * Ground extraction is the amount of a stem that must be protruding from the ground for the tool to be able to grasp and pull. The lower numbers of -1 to 0 indicates that the tool can go down to the roots as well as the stems.
 ** Welded Pins have two distinct advantages over nuts and bolts. Firstly, there are no lost parts associated with nuts that can come lose and secondly, the weld enhances the strength of the steel around the drilled hole.
 *** Expandable base is a feature that enables the user to add an additional platform to prevent the tool from sinking into soft ground. 4 pre-drilled holes allow for a piece of plywood or any similar scrap material to be attached to the foot easily and then removed when not required.


  ProQuo Services Canada Ltd. Pullerbear Tree, Weed and Invasive Vegetation Eliminator  
ProQuo Services Canada Ltd.
Copyright 2024


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