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Pullerbear Tree and Invasive Weed Pullers

 If You're Looking For a New Weed Dealer, We Have An Entire Family Of Them For You To Choose From... and, just so you know... every Pullerbear pulls everything from it's maximum capacity, down to a blade of grass.

Pullerbear Buckthorn Pullers

Model Stem Capacity Handle Weight-lbs Duty Uses USD + S/H CAD + S/H  
Cub Lite 0" - 3/4" 24" 4.5 Light Soft Stems $74.99 + $30 $84.99 + $30 GO
Cub Lite XL 0" - 3/4" 36" 5.0 Light Soft Stems $84.99 + $32 $94.99 + $32 GO
Cub XL 0" - 2" 36" 10.5 Heavy Woody Stems $124.99 + $37 $134.99 + $37 GO
Grip XL 0" - 2 1/4" 48" 13.5 Heavy Woody Stems $139.99 + $40 $149.99 + $40 GO
Grip XL21 0" - 2 1/4" 48" 13.5 Heavy Woody Stems $149.99 + $40 $159.99 + $40 GO
Pro XL 0" - 3" 53" 16.5 Heavy Woody Stems $159.99 + $45 $189.99 + $45 GO
Pro XL321 0" - 1", 2", 3" 53" 16.5 Heavy Woody Stems $169.99 + $45 $199.99 + $45 GO

That's Right, We'll Weld Your Name Or Whatever You Want, Wholesome, Boring, Obscene, Whatever... Right on This M- Effer.  - We Won't Judge.  

Pullerbear Tree Puller Nick Names

Weld Your Name on a Pullerbear Tree Puller Weed Wrench

WELD YOUR NAME ON IT????  That's right...we'll weld your name on your Pullerbear Tree Puller or anything else you would like... wife's birthday, Happy Anniversary, John 3:16, Merry Christmas, your phone number, Peter's Pullerbear, Stolen From..., Return to..., Terry's Tree Tugger, Buck You Thorn, anything (just try to keep it around 15 characters).  ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! We are the only company in the world that provides this option.  There will be no more mistaken ownership claims and there will be no other tool the same as yours.  It helps your Pullerbear to find its way back to you when you lend it, because you will be asked to lend it.

ATTENTION CANADIAN CUSTOMERS... You can pay via e-transfer. Email your e-transfer to  info@pullerbear.com just add your province's PST, GST or HST to the total.

If You Don't Have A  PayPal Account You Can Pay As A Guest With Any Credit Card at Check Out - Select Pay As A Guest, Or Choose One Of The Following Methods Of Payments...

1. Check or as we spell in Canada - Cheque

  Make Payable to: ProQuo Services Canada Ltd. P.O. Box 124 Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R2W0.

  • Pros - Safe, secure and if you tell us that you've sent it we will put your order in the production queue that day. 
  • Cons - Slow. Snail Mail to get it to us and international checks can take 21 days to clear.

2. USPS International Money Order

Make payable to: ProQuo Services Canada Ltd. PO Box 124 Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R2W0

  • Pros - Safe and Secure
  • Cons - Snail Mail to us but there is no hold. (To avoid lag time while in transit - call us @1-877-943-3607 to tell us that it is on it's way and we will add your order to the production queue.) 

 3. Call us @1-877-943-3607 - We can take your credit card information over the phone and process the payment in just minutes.

  • Pros - Fast, safe and secure
  • Cons - Possbile transcribnig airs and missplellings.

4. Text us @ 1-250-701-3677 - Text us a message with your intent to use this method and wait for our response prior to sending your payment information.

  • Pros - Fast, Safe, Secure, Error Free
  • Cons - Can't think of any.

Information required in your text...

  1. Your name as it appears on your card.
  2. Your card number
  3. Expiry date
  4. CSC 3 digit number on the reverse side.
  5. Mailing address
  6. Billing address of the card if different from your mailing address.
  7. Your email address.
  8. Weld Your Name - Free Option.
Pullerbear Manufacturer ProQuo Services Canada Ltd.
All Rights Reserved Copyright 2024